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Homeroom Edition of SECTV
Click the YouTube link below for the latest Homeroom Edition of SECTV, hosted by Rex Allwood and Matthew Frost-Foster.     [embed]https://youtu.be/oDaiqQBlbHE[/embed]
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Student Led Learning Conferences – Years 7 to 12
During Term 3 parents/carers, teachers and students will have two opportunities to meet online and reflect on the learning that has taken place this year to date. The dates and details for Student Led Conferences will be: Thursday 25 July (Week 1) from 4.00 pm to 7.30 pm Thursday 1 August (Week 2) from 4.00 pm to 7.30 pm These conferences will be held online via Microsoft Teams. Teachers will call the students on their Microsoft Teams account at the scheduled booking time to make contact students must ensure they are logged in to Microsoft Teams using their St 51勛圖厙's College email. It is preferable that students use their school laptop for this. Microsoft Teams meetings will not be recorded by teaching staff and we request that parents and students not record meetings either. All conferences are intended to support your child in developing a greater sense of responsibility for their learning. It will be compulsory for students to attend all scheduled meetings with their parents/carers. Students will be expected to take an active role in leading their parents/carers and teachers through a reflection on their learning in that subject. There will be an expectation that students complete a reflection on their progress for each subject prior to the meeting. The student, parents/carers and teachers will then reflect on and evaluate the learning goals set and discuss strategies to address areas of challenge and achieve learning growth throughout Semester Two. The Student Led Conference bookings are managed with an internet-based booking system called Parent Teacher On-Line (PTO). The steps to access PTO are available below once completed, you will receive an email from PTO allowing you to book interviews with your sons teachers that you wish to see. Please note that bookings are limited. All interviews will be of seven minutes duration. Access to PTO will be available from Wednesday 3 July at 7:00 pm and will be closed off for bookings two days before interviews. If you encounter any problems using PTO, please contact the school office on 4321 6400. Please follow these steps to access the system: Click herego to the PTO website Click on Obtain PIN/Password (you will need to supply your email address) Enter your email address and click on Send Email Check your email in-box for your login details or click on the link in the email Go back to thePTO website, login with the details supplied via email Follow the online instructions to complete the bookings. Please note that in Step 1 of the booking process you will need to select the start date and time by scrolling through the drop-down menu until you reach your desired start time. For additional information please click on the link below Additional Information | pdf    
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College Athletics Carnival
This year we just snuck in before the weekends rain! A fantastic week of weather and a looming weekend forecast meant that a few options had to be put in place to accommodate the carnival. Fortunately, the weather held off and we were able to run the carnival in its entirety. The overnight cloud cover meant we arrived with dry grounds for the start of our day. We kicked off with the 1500 m races, followed by the 200 m races as we awaited our student arrivals. Age groups then rotated through three field events before we returned to the velodrome for the 400 m races. Age groups then returned to finish the final three rotations before we watched the 100 m finals and the relay races, as the school came together in their house groups. Highlights for the day included: The excellent behaviour and overall participation of the students in attendance. It was great to see them embrace the community spirit of the carnival and enjoy having a race and a laugh with their mates. Lincoln Markulin in the Opens Javelin throwing a PB of 53 m to break the College record. We crowned the following Age Champions: Under 12: Liam Van Eck - Doolan Under 13: Ambrose Plunkett - Shanahan Under 14: Archie Lawson - Spillane Under 15: Cruz Tucker - Spillane Under 16: Zach Sammut - Doolan Opens: Cooper Jones - Knights In one of the closest carnivals in recent memory, Spillane was crowned the Overall House Champion on 882 points. They were followed closely by Knights on 800, Doolan on 727 and Shanahan on 654. Boys who have been successful in making the College team will be notified in the coming weeks of their events in preparation for the CSBB Athletics Carnival in Week 7, Term 3. A big thank you must go out to all staff who helped in their varied roles to make the day a success.   [smallgallery fooid="53001"]
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Trial HSC Examination Timetable
St 51勛圖厙's College Trial HSC Examinations commence Monday 5 August. The link to the timetable can be found below and individual timetables are available on the Portal.   St 51勛圖厙's College Trial HSC Examination Timetable  
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Homeroom Edition of SECTV
Click the YouTube link below for the latest Homeroom Edition of SECTV, hosted by Rex Allwood and Matthew Frost-Foster.     [embed]https://youtu.be/oDaiqQBlbHE[/embed]
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Student Led Learning Conferences – Years 7 to 12
During Term 3 parents/carers, teachers and students will have two opportunities to meet online and reflect on the learning that has taken place this year to date. The dates and details for Student Led Conferences will be: Thursday 25 July (Week 1) from 4.00 pm to 7.30 pm Thursday 1 August (Week 2) from 4.00 pm to 7.30 pm These conferences will be held online via Microsoft Teams. Teachers will call the students on their Microsoft Teams account at the scheduled booking time to make contact students must ensure they are logged in to Microsoft Teams using their St 51勛圖厙's College email. It is preferable that students use their school laptop for this. Microsoft Teams meetings will not be recorded by teaching staff and we request that parents and students not record meetings either. All conferences are intended to support your child in developing a greater sense of responsibility for their learning. It will be compulsory for students to attend all scheduled meetings with their parents/carers. Students will be expected to take an active role in leading their parents/carers and teachers through a reflection on their learning in that subject. There will be an expectation that students complete a reflection on their progress for each subject prior to the meeting. The student, parents/carers and teachers will then reflect on and evaluate the learning goals set and discuss strategies to address areas of challenge and achieve learning growth throughout Semester Two. The Student Led Conference bookings are managed with an internet-based booking system called Parent Teacher On-Line (PTO). The steps to access PTO are available below once completed, you will receive an email from PTO allowing you to book interviews with your sons teachers that you wish to see. Please note that bookings are limited. All interviews will be of seven minutes duration. Access to PTO will be available from Wednesday 3 July at 7:00 pm and will be closed off for bookings two days before interviews. If you encounter any problems using PTO, please contact the school office on 4321 6400. Please follow these steps to access the system: Click herego to the PTO website Click on Obtain PIN/Password (you will need to supply your email address) Enter your email address and click on Send Email Check your email in-box for your login details or click on the link in the email Go back to thePTO website, login with the details supplied via email Follow the online instructions to complete the bookings. Please note that in Step 1 of the booking process you will need to select the start date and time by scrolling through the drop-down menu until you reach your desired start time. For additional information please click on the link below Additional Information | pdf    
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College Athletics Carnival
This year we just snuck in before the weekends rain! A fantastic week of weather and a looming weekend forecast meant that a few options had to be put in place to accommodate the carnival. Fortunately, the weather held off and we were able to run the carnival in its entirety. The overnight cloud cover meant we arrived with dry grounds for the start of our day. We kicked off with the 1500 m races, followed by the 200 m races as we awaited our student arrivals. Age groups then rotated through three field events before we returned to the velodrome for the 400 m races. Age groups then returned to finish the final three rotations before we watched the 100 m finals and the relay races, as the school came together in their house groups. Highlights for the day included: The excellent behaviour and overall participation of the students in attendance. It was great to see them embrace the community spirit of the carnival and enjoy having a race and a laugh with their mates. Lincoln Markulin in the Opens Javelin throwing a PB of 53 m to break the College record. We crowned the following Age Champions: Under 12: Liam Van Eck - Doolan Under 13: Ambrose Plunkett - Shanahan Under 14: Archie Lawson - Spillane Under 15: Cruz Tucker - Spillane Under 16: Zach Sammut - Doolan Opens: Cooper Jones - Knights In one of the closest carnivals in recent memory, Spillane was crowned the Overall House Champion on 882 points. They were followed closely by Knights on 800, Doolan on 727 and Shanahan on 654. Boys who have been successful in making the College team will be notified in the coming weeks of their events in preparation for the CSBB Athletics Carnival in Week 7, Term 3. A big thank you must go out to all staff who helped in their varied roles to make the day a success.   [smallgallery fooid="53001"]
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Trial HSC Examination Timetable
St 51勛圖厙's College Trial HSC Examinations commence Monday 5 August. The link to the timetable can be found below and individual timetables are available on the Portal.   St 51勛圖厙's College Trial HSC Examination Timetable  
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Homeroom Edition of SECTV
Click the YouTube link below for the latest Homeroom Edition of SECTV, hosted by Rex Allwood and Matthew Frost-Foster.     [embed]https://youtu.be/oDaiqQBlbHE[/embed]
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Student Led Learning Conferences – Years 7 to 12
During Term 3 parents/carers, teachers and students will have two opportunities to meet online and reflect on the learning that has taken place this year to date. The dates and details for Student Led Conferences will be: Thursday 25 July (Week 1) from 4.00 pm to 7.30 pm Thursday 1 August (Week 2) from 4.00 pm to 7.30 pm These conferences will be held online via Microsoft Teams. Teachers will call the students on their Microsoft Teams account at the scheduled booking time to make contact students must ensure they are logged in to Microsoft Teams using their St 51勛圖厙's College email. It is preferable that students use their school laptop for this. Microsoft Teams meetings will not be recorded by teaching staff and we request that parents and students not record meetings either. All conferences are intended to support your child in developing a greater sense of responsibility for their learning. It will be compulsory for students to attend all scheduled meetings with their parents/carers. Students will be expected to take an active role in leading their parents/carers and teachers through a reflection on their learning in that subject. There will be an expectation that students complete a reflection on their progress for each subject prior to the meeting. The student, parents/carers and teachers will then reflect on and evaluate the learning goals set and discuss strategies to address areas of challenge and achieve learning growth throughout Semester Two. The Student Led Conference bookings are managed with an internet-based booking system called Parent Teacher On-Line (PTO). The steps to access PTO are available below once completed, you will receive an email from PTO allowing you to book interviews with your sons teachers that you wish to see. Please note that bookings are limited. All interviews will be of seven minutes duration. Access to PTO will be available from Wednesday 3 July at 7:00 pm and will be closed off for bookings two days before interviews. If you encounter any problems using PTO, please contact the school office on 4321 6400. Please follow these steps to access the system: Click herego to the PTO website Click on Obtain PIN/Password (you will need to supply your email address) Enter your email address and click on Send Email Check your email in-box for your login details or click on the link in the email Go back to thePTO website, login with the details supplied via email Follow the online instructions to complete the bookings. Please note that in Step 1 of the booking process you will need to select the start date and time by scrolling through the drop-down menu until you reach your desired start time. For additional information please click on the link below Additional Information | pdf    
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College Athletics Carnival
This year we just snuck in before the weekends rain! A fantastic week of weather and a looming weekend forecast meant that a few options had to be put in place to accommodate the carnival. Fortunately, the weather held off and we were able to run the carnival in its entirety. The overnight cloud cover meant we arrived with dry grounds for the start of our day. We kicked off with the 1500 m races, followed by the 200 m races as we awaited our student arrivals. Age groups then rotated through three field events before we returned to the velodrome for the 400 m races. Age groups then returned to finish the final three rotations before we watched the 100 m finals and the relay races, as the school came together in their house groups. Highlights for the day included: The excellent behaviour and overall participation of the students in attendance. It was great to see them embrace the community spirit of the carnival and enjoy having a race and a laugh with their mates. Lincoln Markulin in the Opens Javelin throwing a PB of 53 m to break the College record. We crowned the following Age Champions: Under 12: Liam Van Eck - Doolan Under 13: Ambrose Plunkett - Shanahan Under 14: Archie Lawson - Spillane Under 15: Cruz Tucker - Spillane Under 16: Zach Sammut - Doolan Opens: Cooper Jones - Knights In one of the closest carnivals in recent memory, Spillane was crowned the Overall House Champion on 882 points. They were followed closely by Knights on 800, Doolan on 727 and Shanahan on 654. Boys who have been successful in making the College team will be notified in the coming weeks of their events in preparation for the CSBB Athletics Carnival in Week 7, Term 3. A big thank you must go out to all staff who helped in their varied roles to make the day a success.   [smallgallery fooid="53001"]
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